jobs that Tri City has installed over the years!
Mosaic flagstone xeriscape to match stone veneer house style. Loveland, CO 2023
Side view of the xeriscaped yard. Loveland, CO 2023
This is a Tri City original design and installation! Flagstone patio, timber edging and specially designed (by Tri City) privacy fencing.
Flagstone patio installation.
2022 Tri City original design.
Side view of the 2022 Tri City original design.
Front yard xeriscape that Tri City designed and completed in Loveland, CO 2019
Front yard xeriscape that Tri City designed and completed in Loveland, CO 2019
Front yard xeriscape that Tri City designed and completed in Loveland, CO 2019
Cobble stone dry river bed and flagstone bridge.
Xeriscape/Natural landscaping in Lyons, CO 2019
Natural style retaining wall - Lyons, CO 2019
Hand-made planter box. 2019
Big shout out to the amazing delivery crew at Fossil Creek Nursery for their assistance with these huge trees - we use Fossil Creek for their fantastic customer service and quality products!
Tri City creatively designed and installed this landscape masterpiece, which won the Parade of Homes in 2014. Titus created the cobble stone stream during on-site changes to the contract during install.
Mosaic red and tan flagstone xeriscaping in the front yard. Loveland, CO 2023
Close-up of the specially designed privacy fencing - this is a Tri City original design and creation.
A 2022 Tri City original design. Titus created this design, and our gracious customer allowed him the freedom to create the vision!
Xeriscape friendly - winding grass “dry river bed” design (with specific water conservative sprinkler coverage ), red boulders, metro red mulch, and drought tolerant plants.
Close up of the red quartz boulders and some of the drought tolerant plants.
Front yard xeriscape that Tri City designed and completed in Loveland, CO 2019
Front yard xeriscape that Tri City designed and completed in Loveland, CO 2019
Cobble stone dry river bed and flagstone pathway.
Tiered flagstone pathway in Lyons, CO 2019
Close-up of Xeriscape/Natural landscaping in Lyons, CO 2019
Planter box (hand made by Tri City) and surrounding sod job. 2019
Retaining Wall - August 2019
Close-up of the retaining wall. August 2019
The crew installed their first 12ft tree! There were two 12ft trees to install at this job site. Lyons, CO July 2019
Hand moving the 12ft tree (Vanderwolf Spruce). Thank you Fossil Creek Nursery delivery guys for helping move these with us! Lyons, CO 2019
12ft Vanderwolf Pines, 6 inch caliper (2 inch caliper is HOA standard requirement). The holes were hand dug and the trees were hand placed!
Buff flagstone path to front door.
Sylvan Dale Ranch - Man made river bed designed by Titus, with each rock being hand-placed by the crew in order to create a natural looking design.
6x6 timber steps installed for a home in Lyons, CO.
Flagstone pathway set in tan Breeze.
Versa Lok fire pit, fence, plantings, and rock install.
Pond-less water feature install.
Custom designed gate, Breeze pathway, rock, mulch, and more!
Landscape design around entry way sign for a local subdivision.
6x6 timber steps with flagstone inset landings.
Flagstone patio and fence job.
Pond-less bubbling rock feature.
Strip stone wall, flagstone steppers set in grass, and sod install.
Creative view of a flagstone pathway install.
6x6 timber two tier planter bed with drip stubs.
Custom sump pump drain.
Beautiful fountain and planters created out of Versa Lok blocks and Belgard paver patio.